"Intelligence and capabilities are very subjective. Even the simplest action may become the best intelligent way of tackling an issue at a point in time."
– Dr. Prahlad Vadakkepat

EkInBot V.1

Ekinbot v1 is upgraded version of EkInbot.
Huge amount of money is spent for developing Humanoid robots.
Major aim is to put forward a design with-
-> Minimal Actuation.
-> Minimal Control.
-> Minimum Energy Utilization
-> Minimum Development Cost.

EkInBot has Minimal actuator design with only 8 Degrees of Freedom.
-> 1 DOF at each shoulders, elbows, hips and ankles.
-> Both the Elbows and Ankles exhibits Roll orientation.
-> Shoulders exhibits pitch orientation.
-> Hips exhibits Yaw orientation.
-> Simple Mechanical and Electrical design.

Various Capabilities Includes
-> Walking
-> Obstacle Detection
-> Object Hold and Release
-> Locomotion Manipulated Using Finger gestures

PIC 16F877A/18F452 is the heart of the robot.

1. Forward Walking

2. Obstacle Detection

3. Object Hold And Release

4. Locomotion Manipulated using finger Gestures